Dębowa 2
84-207 Łężyce

+48 884 000 039

VAT PL 5882457275

Contact form

The owner and administrator of user data is: AVEKO Jagiełło i Lewandowski sp. k. with headquarters in Łężyce, ul. Dębowa 2, 84-207 Łężyce, entered into the National Court Register under number 0000834228, NIP 5882457275, REGON: 385799944.
The administrator collects personal data of users in the case when the user, by contacting the Administrator via a shared contact form, will provide his / her data voluntarily (name, email address, telephone number). Personal data will be processed in order to answer the sent query. The personal data will not be disclosed to other data recipients without express consent. The data will be kept for the period necessary to answer the inquiry.